ParkSEIS - Source/Receiver (SR) Setup via Graphical Wizard (Working with Sample Data "DippingBedrock.dat")

1. Importing Input File - Seismic File (*.dat)

From main menu, "Setup Source/Receiver (SR)" → "From Formatted Seismic Data (*.dat)."  Then, Open "DippingBedrock dat" as illustrated below.

If original field files of SEG-2 format are to be imported instead of a data set already in PS format, then choose "From SEG-2 Seismic Field Data" as shown below.  In this case, import all multiple field files ("records") at the same time as illustrated below.

2. Follow Graphical Wizard Sequence

Enter "0.0" for "Ref. Distance" and then "1.5" for next distance.  "Ref. Distance" is an arbitrary surface distance coordinate used as a reference point.  Therefore, it can be any number.  But, the distance for next channel should be offset (+ or -) by one receiver spacing (dx).

Enter "1001" and "1002" for the station numbers for the first two channel positions.  Then, click "Next" button.  These are also arbitrary "station" numbers that have to be consecutive.  General convention for station numbering is "1001, 1002, etc." for line 1, and "2001, 2002, etc." for line 2, and so on.  They can also decrease instead of increase.

At the end of the process, the SR configuration chart will be displayed that shows relative location of source and receivers within the entire distance of survey.  The configuration can also be displayed in "Stations" by clicking the button on top menu.   Close the chart.

Click "Exit" button.  It will show the file name that saves all the setup parameters so that you can import them by opening the file at the beginning of the SR setup process next time.  All variables (*.VA_) and configuration (*.DB_) information will be saved for future use.