As of January 2021, the ParkSEIS-3D package has not been released yet due to the delay in the final field testing campaign and completion of the associated modules. We will keep its status posted here.
All-In-One Software Package for 3D MASW
ParkSEIS-3D is a dedicated software package that can handle "true 3D" field acquisition, field coordinate setup, data rearrangement for binning, data analysis, and 3D visualization of final shear-wave velocity (Vs) data, all in one package.
While it is well-known that running conventional 2D/1D surveys at multiple locations can ultimately produce and display a 3D volume of shear-wave velocity (Vs) data by using multiple software packages, to date there has been no dedicated software package that can handle optimum 3D field operation, efficient data rearrangement, numerical analysis to create a 3D Vs data, and its visualization all in one package. ParkSEIS-3D provides the first such software package. It represents the latest evolution of ParkSEIS, which has undergone continuous updates in underlying theoretical algorithms, empirical calibration, and graphical user interface (GUI), through field applications in several hundred different settings worldwide (conducted by Park Seismic LLC).
This site provides an overview of the ParkSEIS-3D software and its core theoretical properties and procedures. The most effective field logistics for dedicated 3D MASW surveys are described in terms of shot/receiver (SR) patterns. The site describes how corresponding field coordinates are conveniently set up by importing either Cartesian coordinate (*.txt) or GPS (*.gpx) files, as well as how streamlined graphical interfaces (GUI's) incorporated at various critical steps of analysis ensure effective and user-friendly 3D analysis. Automatic algorithms for dispersion and inversion further simplify the procedure and ensure maximal consistency.
All features of previous versions of ParkSEIS (v. 2.0 and v. 3.0) are included.