Getting Started

See user guide and watch video tutorial.

Generating a 1-D Shear-Wave Velocity (Vs) Profile

1. Importing Field Files in SEG-2 Format

Go to "Process" → "1D S-Velocity (Vs) Profile From" → "Seismic Field Data in SEG-2."


Import multiple SEG-2 files at the same time as shown on the right.

The program will ask if the original source/receiver (SR) setup (if encoded during data acquisition) is to be displayed.


Then, the SR chart will be displayed as shown below.  To replace the original setup by ignoring it, click "Yes" to encode the new setup by running the SR setup module.

If the original SR setup is correct, then you can save imported files as a single SR-coded file [for example, "SeismicData(SR). dat"] by choosing "No".  By choosing “No,” the SR setup will explain that the source/receiver setup will be bypassed and the saved file will be automatically passed to the next step ("Dispersion Image Generation").

Once the input data set is imported, then the SR setup main menu will be displayed as shown below. See User Guide "Source-Receiver (SR) Setup" and also watch video tutorials ("SR Setup for 1-D Profile and 2-D Cross Section") to learn about how to run it.

2. Source/Receiver (SR) Setup

Select "Run Wizard" to encode source/receiver (SR) configuration to each record of the imported files. Refer to the PS User Guide ("Source-Receiver the next step ("Dispersion Image Generation").

3. Dispersion Image Generation

Click the "Run Dispersion Image" button to start the process with all default parameters. Refer to PS User Guide ("Dispersion Image Generation") for information about control parameters included in the "Options..." of the dialog.

The output will be saved as [*(SR)(ActiveOT).DAT] and automatically passed to the next step ["Dispersion Curve (M0) Extraction"].

4. Dispersion Curve (M0) Extraction

At the beginning of the process, the program will ask to stack the multiple number of input dispersion images if they all have the same surface locations. Click "Yes" to stack them and save the stacked image as a separate image file [*(SR)(ActiveOT)(VStack).DAT].

The stacked image then will be displayed as shown below. Refer to the PS User Guide ["Dispersion Curve (M0) Extraction"] for information about how to extract the curve.

5. Inversion (Automatic 1st Phase)

Click "Run" to launch the automatic inversion process with all default parameters. Refer to PS User Guide ["Inversion (1-D Profile)"] for information about all the parameters included in the "Options..." of the dialog.

At the end of the process, the output 1-D (depth) shear-wave velocity (Vs) profile will be displayed as shown below. If the displayed profile shows a realistic velocity variation with a relatively high match between the measured and modeled M0 curves (e.g., ≥ 80%), then this completes the process. Otherwise, you can proceed to perform another round of advanced inversion process that starts from the current velocity (Vs) profile as an initial

1. Importing Field Files in SEG-2 Format

Go to "Process" → "2D S-Velocity (Vs) Profile From" → "Seismic Field Data in SEG-2."

Import multiple SEG-2 files at the same time as shown on the right.

The program will ask if the original source/receiver (SR) setup (if encoded during data acquisition) is to be displayed.


Then, the SR chart will be displayed as shown below. To replace the original setup by ignoring it, click "Yes" to encode the new setup by running the SR setup module.

If the original SR setup is correct, then you can save imported files as a single SR-coded file [for example, "SeismicData(SR).dat"] by choosing "No". By choosing “No,” the program will explain that the source/receiver setup will be bypassed and the saved file will be automatically passed to the next step ("Dispersion Image Generation").

Select "Run Wizard" to encode source/receiver (SR) configuration to each record of the imported files. Refer to the PS User Guide ("Source-Receiver (SR) Setup") for information about how to run it. The output will be saved as [*(SR).DAT] at the end of the setup, and will be automatically passed to the next step ("Dispersion Image Generation").

3. Dispersion Image Generation

Click the "Run Dispersion Image" button to start the process with all default parameters. Refer to PS User Guide ("Dispersion Image Generation") for information about control parameters included in the "Options..." of the dialog.

The output will be saved as [*(SR)(ActiveOT).DAT] and automatically passed to the next step ["Dispersion Curve (M0) Extraction"].

4. Dispersion Curve (M0) Extraction

At the beginning of this process, the first dispersion image will be displayed as shown below. Refer to the PS User Guide ["Dispersion Curve (M0) Extraction"] for information about how to extract the fundamental-mode (M0) curves. After all dispersion curves are extracted and saved, they will be automatically passed to the next step ("Inversion").

5. Inversion

explanations about all the parameters included in the "Options..." of the dialog.

At the end of the inversion process, the following two types of output will be saved and then automatically displayed within the same form (under "Display 1" and "Display 2" tabs); a 2-D shear-wave velocity (Vs) cross section map [*(2DVs).TXT], and the corresponding 2-D Vs confidence map [*(2DConf).TXT], respectively, as shown below. The confidence map shows a distribution of relative reliability in inversion results (Vs values) so that it can be used as a means to judge credibility of velocity values in the cross section map that may change from one place to another.

2-D Vs Cross Section
2-D Vs Cross Section
2-D Vs Confidence Map
2-D Vs Confidence Map