Source/Receiver (SR) Setup

See SR setup using text-file commands (version 2.0 and later)

See user guide and watch video tutorials for 1-D profile and 2-D cross section.

The main purpose of running source/receiver (SR) setup is to encode the proper distance and location information into the header of each channel's data in the recorded field files (records). This setup is usually encoded into original field records during the field operation by the acquisition software if the operator arranges necessary parameters properly at the beginning of data acquisition. This can be checked at the early stage of SR setup when importing field records of SEG-2 format (and, if they are confirmed to have the correct setup encoded, then they can be saved as a single file in the PS-format [*(SR).dat] ready for the regular MASW analysis and this separate setup procedure will be skipped). If the SR setup was ignored during data acquisition or the original setup is in error, then the correct setup can be encoded by running this "Source/Receiver (SR) Setup" module

Step 1. Pre-Setup
Prerequisite information is gathered or confirmed at this step such as the unit of distance (feet or meters), number of channels detected from input, survey type [active, passive, and combined (active + passive) surveys], and receiver array (RA) type (1-D or 2-D).

Step 2. Source/Receiver (SR) Specification
Actual settings of relative location (in distance and station numbers) of the seismic source (for active and combined survey cases) and individual receivers are specified either all at once through one systematic sequence to all input records, or through a multiple sequence of different settings applied to different portions of the records. This SR specification is treated differently for 1-D and 2-D receiver array (RA) types, respectively.

Step 3. Specification of Files To Apply and Running Setup
By default, all setup parameters arranged through the previous two steps will be applied to all input records. Otherwise, the proper range of input records to apply the setup to can be chosen at this step before running the actual setup. In this case, multiple setup sequences can be run for different ranges of input records by repeating all three (3) steps and saving (appending) outputs under the same file name.

To import multiple seismic files of SEG-2 format from the main menu, go to "Setup Source/Receiver (SR)" → "From SEG-2 Seismic Field Data (*.dat)" and select the files at the same time as illustrated below. Then, the program will detect if any encoded SR setup is found. If so, then you select to view the entire setup in a chart for visual inspection and confirmation. If the displayed setup is confirmed correct, then you can save input record (s) as a single file of PS-format ready for the regular MASW data analysis and skip the separate setup. Otherwise, you need to run your own setup by following the procedures outlined here.

The SR setup can also be applied to a previously saved file of PS-format from the main menu. In this case, only one file is selected for input. To select one file as illustrated below.

Once the input data set is imported, then the SR setup main menu will be displayed as shown below. See User Guide "Source-Receiver (SR) Setup" and also watch video tutorials ("SR Setup for 1-D Profile and 2-D Cross Section") to learn about how to run it.