ParkSEIS (v. 3.0) AUTO - Summary of New Features and Bug Fixes
Updates, additions, and modifications incorporated into the current version (3.0) are summarized here. Full contents are available in the "About This Version."
The most significant upgrade incorporated in this version is the addition of the "AUTO" module that fully automates the complete sequence of dispersion and inversion operations. Minor updates have been made in modules of the dispersion image generation [*(*OT).dat] and the 1D velocity (Vs) display [*.LYR], respectively. All bugs we found were minor and have been fixed. Upgrade and maintenance items are briefly explained below.
AUTO - Automatic Generation of Velocity (Vs) Profiles (1D and 2D) and Dispersion Curve(s)
(Main Menu -> "AUTO")
The generation of the velocity (Vs) profile (1D and 2D) can now be accomplished by one click after preparation of seismic data with proper acquisition geometry encoded [*(SR).dat]. This module implements the task of dispersion image preparation and subsequent fundamental-mode (M0) dispersion-curve extraction through a fully automated process. The algorithm is designed according to the fundamental-mode (M0) pattern-recognition technique that is facilitated by various types of signal-enhancing tactics theoretically and empirically developed during the last three decades of research and development. The following inversion process is also automatically optimized based on the results from the automatic dispersion analysis.
Automatic extraction of dispersion curve(s) can also be executed during the conventional mode of dispersion curve extraction with full manual controls still available.
Performance of this AUTO module has proven highly effective and reliable even in comparison to conventional (manual) processes performed by an experienced operator. In this sense, a novice in MASW analysis can use this module as a tutorial guide during the learning process of the conventional analysis skills. On the other hand, the results from the AUTO process should always be taken with caution because the process may not be perfect in every aspect, especially when the acquired data carries extraordinary complications. It is therefore always recommended even for experienced users in MASW analysis to run
both manual and AUTO approaches to crosscheck the results. More details about the background methodology and how to use this module are explained in section 1. In addition, a separate user guide ("AUTO") is available from the 'Help' in the main menu as well as in the AUTO control dialog.